Emergency advice and treatment
Emergency appointments: Orthodontic providers are endeavouring to maintain an emergency service during this period. If you have any problems or concerns, please contact your provider first but do not attend in person. Your provider will assess your concern, provide you with advice where helpful and if necessary, an orthodontist will be able to speak with you initially to provide you with advice and self-help guidance to manage your problem. Advice is provided in the self-help section, the FAQ section and via the video demonstrations.
In extreme emergencies, it may be necessary for you to be seen. Most orthodontic providers can no longer provide emergency care at their own site and a referral may need to be made to one of the Urgent Dental Care centres which are being set up through the UK. If this is necessary, your orthodontic provider can facilitate this for you via the local referral mechanism in your area.
Emergency scenarios which may necessitate a visit include:
· patients in severe pain or suffering from trauma from an appliance which cannot be removed and cannot be managed through self-help measures. e.g. sharp wire, broken appliance causing severe pain).
· patients at risk of swallowing or inhaling a loose fixed component e.g. palatal arch, quad helix etc
· a broken bonded retainer causing pain or trauma
· orthodontic problems in relation to dental trauma – e.g. after a blow to the mouth
Oral hygiene and care of the appliance: Please ensure that you follow all the advice previously provided in terms of meticulous cleaning of the appliance. There is a video in the video section which goes through instructions in detail. Take particular care not to break the appliance which means taking extra care whilst eating and avoid those foods which are more likely to damage the brace, especially at this difficult time when it may not be possible to see you to repair the appliance.
Lost retainer and appliances: Please let your provider know as soon as possible if you have lost a retainer or appliance. It may not be possible to see you at present, but it might be possible for to arrange for the retainer or appliance to be replaced using your existing scans or models. If you have bonded retainers in place, it may be that you can manage without a removable retainer. Your provider will advise.